
You can now read audiobooks and magazines from Blind Low Vision NZ with an Alexa, using the Blind Low Vision NZ Skill.

With more than 34,000 titles in our collection, Blind Low Vision NZ’s Library features New Zealand and international audiobooks, and selected magazines produced in our studios.

Just ask Alexa to find a book, magazine or newspaper. You can search by author, title, or ask for a random book to start reading.

An Alexa-enabled speaker on table

Setting up an Amazon Echo Dot

Check List before you start

  • Wi-Fi password
  • Amazon Account email and password
    (Note: A credit card or form of payment is not required to create an Amazon Account)
  • Smartphone or tablet

Download the Amazon Alexa app

Download the Amazon Alexa app from the app store onto an Android or Apple smartphone or tablet.

Bluetooth notification

A notification for the app to use Bluetooth should pop up. Bluetooth is a wireless standard; this is how your phone will communicate with the Echo Dot (Alexa).

Sign into your Amazon Account

You will need to enter your Amazon email and password details and sign in.

Help Alexa get to know you

This screen provides a list of users related to your Amazon account. In most cases, it is just your name. Select your name to go to the next screen.

Set permissions

The Alexa app requires permission to access your contact information and send notifications.

A pop-up message may ask ‘Don’t Allow’ or ‘OK’ for each of these permissions. You can always change these settings later.

Amazon Alexa tutorial screens

You will be given a brief tutorial about the Alexa app on your smartphone or tablet.

Setting up device

A pop-up message may come up if your new device is detected. Simply select continue.
If not, select the Devices button, and then select the plus sign to add a device.

Select which device to set up

Select Echo from the list of devices, and then you will come to a list of different Echo devices. Select Echo Dot.

Put Echo Dot in set up mode

Put your Echo Dot in set up mode. You can do this by pressing the Action button (the button with the dot on it). Keep your finger on this button until the device says, ‘now in set up mode.’ Visually, the light ring flashes orange to verify it is in setup mode. In the Amazon Alexa app, select your device from the list of available devices.

Set Wi-Fi network

From a list of Wi-Fi networks, select the one you would like to connect to. You will be prompted to enter your Wi-Fi password.

Echo Dot settings (optional)

After the Echo dot is connected, the app will ask which room the Echo Dot is in. You can skip this if you don’t want to select a room. The final step will be to verify your address / location. This is useful for accessing local weather and traffic information. You can skip this if you do not want to share your location information.

Setup complete

Your device should now be setup. Now the setup is complete, you use the Echo Dot without the need for the Amazon Alexa companion app. If you have any issues contact the Blind Low Vision NZ Contact Centre on 0800 24 33 33