Here’s your life-changing sup-pawt in action!
Hello from Corbin, Whina and Kimba! Here’s what these puppies have been up to, thanks to your kind ongoing support.
Corbin has just turned one, and you’ll be so proud of all the new skills he’s mastered! At the local kindergarten, he calmly handled pats and love from the children. He enjoyed a puppy get together at the local pub, spotted his first seal on a beach walk and bravely went to the vet. Corbin even did work experience at the hospital! Your donations make Corbin’s training paws-ible, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
Whina has been a busy puppy! There have been lots of long walks and socialising for Whina, preparing her for the next few weeks of training. She loves to be out and about. Whina is showing off her excellent obedience skills when she is on walks, and inside the house she needs less supervision. With regular adventures on public transport and in everyday situations, she is performing with flying colours. She is showing initiative and making you proud!
What amazing skills little Kimba is learning, all thanks to you. She has remembered the things she’s been taught very quickly. Soon she will take a trip on the ferry and go to the beach – what fun! Kimba has shown she loves helping around the house when there is water involved and makes washing the car and kayaks just that bit more fun! Without your love and support, Kimba wouldn’t be able to learn these vital skills and experiences – thank you!
Thank you for making all of this pawsible!
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