Youth & Employment

Blind and low vision Kiwis face employment challenges, despite their wealth of talent. Blind Low Vision NZ is there to help them find fulfilling jobs that align with their skills and dreams. To expand our employment programs and encourage more businesses to partner with us, we need your involvement. Your generosity provides personalized support to break into the job market, professional mentoring, and interview coaching. You’ll help young Kiwis transition to work and older Kiwis return to study to advance their careers. With your support, young people living with low vision or blindness can dream big about their futures, have the opportunities they deserve, and be celebrated, supported, and included in every workplace.




Our  number one goal is to help our clients unlock their true potential by recognizing their unique strengths and the incredible value they bring to the table. With our team of seasoned professionals, comprehensive professional development resources, partnerships with external service providers, and invaluable relationships with key partners, we offer an unwavering support system. Together, we provide an extraordinary platform for our clients to fearlessly chart their career paths and explore endless possibilities for a fulfilling future and beyond.