
EasyReader is a free, accessible reading app for people with print disabilities such as blindness, low vision, or dyslexia. It is currently used by Vision Australia, RNIB, CELA, and other international blindness support agencies for their members to access their library collections, as well as international providers of electronic texts, like BookShare.

The Blind Low Vision NZ Library in EasyReader gives you direct access to our collection of over 35,000 audiobooks, with all of the books recorded in our studios and received from our overseas partners.

You can also browse newspapers and our whole audio magazine collection in the EasyReader app, including back issues and older magazines not currently in production.

A closeup photo of an iphone with the EasyReader app open

Blind Low Vision NZ Library EasyReader Set Up

You will need

  • A Dolphin account
  • An Amazon account
  • A mobile device, such as an Apple product (iPhone, iPad) or an Android phone or tablet

Follow these steps to install EasyReader

Note: The Blind Low Vision NZ Library collection can only be accessed by people with a print disability as defined in the Copyright Act 1994.

If you require instructions in alternative formats, contact Blind Low Vision NZ at 0800 24 33 33

  • Download the EasyReader App. Download the EasyReader app to your mobile device from Apple App Store or Google Play.
  • Call Blind Low Vision NZ (0800 24 33 33) to link your Amazon account with our library service.
  • If you don’t have an Amazon account, please register one at http://amazon.com.au
  • Login to EasyReader
    Login with your Dolphin, Apple, or Google account. Select ‘Login’ to continue.
    This is required for some features to work, like synchronising books across devices.
  • Add the Blind Low Vision Library
    To add the Blind Low Vision NZ Library select the side menu. This is the button at the top left, and looks like a stack of books.
  • Manage Libraries
    Select ‘Manage Libraries’ to display a list of libraries.
  • Set Blind Low Vision NZ Library
    Switch the ‘Blind Low Vision NZ’ button to on. Blind Low Vision NZ will now be displayed in the side menu.
  • Log on with Amazon
    Select Blind Low Vision NZ from the side menu to Login. Select ‘Continue’
  • Amazon Sign-in
    Select ‘Continue with Login with Amazon’ to continue
    We require this to meet our legal obligations to the Copyright Act 1994.
  • Enter username and password
    Login with your Amazon username and password and select the ‘Sign-in’ Button
  • Select ‘Keep me signed in’ to make accessing the Blind Low Vision NZ collection faster.
  • Complete Sign-in
    Select Allow to complete Amazon Sign in
  • Setup complete
    Setup is now complete. You can now search through the Blind Low Vision collection of books, magazines and newspapers.

EasyReader Subscription Service

Recently Dolphin, who developed the EasyReader app, launched an EasyReader Subscription service.

  • The EasyReader app remains free to download and use. Members and clients will continue to access audiobooks, magazines and newspapers at no cost.
  • The EasyReader premium subscriptions are optional and are not required to access Blind Low Vision content.
  • Most of the added features are around synchronising settings across multiple devices, such as bookmarks, font colours and styles and reading positions.
  • There are new features for schools, colleges and universities, but they are currently only available in the UK, Sweden, USA and Canada.

New features will be added; we will keep you informed as soon as we know.