Our Stories

Jo-Kate is so grateful for your kind support

24 January 2024

Client Stories

Jo Kate crossing the road safely with her white cane.

Jo-Kate loves her new independence, thanks to your support.

Eleven years ago, Jo-Kate was sitting at her work computer making a graph and found she could not put numbers in the right place. She had also noticed driving and note taking was becoming a challenge. After a referral to hospital, she was diagnosed with macular degeneration in both eyes.

At first, Jo-Kate went through a period of denial, and feeling low. She was concerned about how she would navigate everyday activities like catching a bus, going for a walk, and shopping for groceries. But when she connected with Blind Low Vision NZ, she realised how much support was available to help her learn how to live with vision loss.

Today, Jo-Kate can hardly believe what she is able to do, with help from you and Blind Low Vision NZ. Thanks to a big new light, she is still able to pursue her love of art. With white cane training, she can now confidently catch a bus and says she has a new lease on life.

This has opened a door on the world for me. I am able to do things that six months ago I would have thought were impossible. Blind Low Vision NZ also helped me navigate anything I needed.

That’s what I call support!

“I am so grateful to everyone who supports people with low vision. Thank you!”


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