Employment and Youth Pathways

Blind Low Vision NZ is committed to providing an employment and youth pathways service which allows clients to reach their personal potential by understanding individual strengths and their value add. The combination of our experienced staff, professional development toolkit, external service providers and key partner relationships will provide the platform for clients to be audacious when planning a career pathway and beyond.

Employment Services

This is where the Blind Low Vision NZ Work Ready programme applies and is specifically designed to support Blind Low Vision NZ clients of working age to prepare for employment, develop a career plan, provide professional development, interview skills, mentoring and networking opportunities toward employment.

Blind Low Vision NZ client on the computer

What is Youth Pathways?

This programme applies to students who are likely to be between the ages of 16 and 21, and who are moving from BLENNZ  into the adult services provided by Blind Low Vision NZ. There may also be a cohort of youth clients between the ages of 18 and 25 years who are transitioning from mainstream high schools into either employment or study.

Youth group

Support Grants

If you are looking for potential funding avenues for technology, education or recreation, check out the Blind Low Vision NZ support grants and see whether there is something here for you.

An elderly couple completing some forms

Current Vacancies

If you are seeking employment or looking for a change in your job, why not check out the Blind Low Vision NZ vacancies currently available throughout New Zealand.  These opportunities are being updated regularly, and you never know when something might suit you.


Two clients of Blind Low Vision NZ talking on a table

MSD Support Funds

You may be eligible to access up to $16,900 annually for support relating to the associated costs of your employment, this may include transportation costs, technology and personal assistance. See below for details on criteria and the application form.

A close up image of a person holding another persons hand

Total Mobility (TM) Scheme

The Total Mobility “TM” scheme is designed to help people with disabilities access various forms of public transport and taxi services at a subsidized rate. The Total Mobility Scheme is funded in partnership with local and central government and assists eligible people with a disability by making transport options affordable by paying part of their fare.

There is an initial assessment and application process to determine a person’s eligibility to access the TM scheme, this also includes a current set up cost of  for producing the TM card, however, once you have this approved, there is no requirement for annual or subsequent renewals of your card.

A zoomed in picture of a man onboarding a bus. The bus has two accessibility stickers.

The New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN)

NZDSN was formed in 2010 and is a network of not-for-profit organisations and some for-profit NGOs that provide support services to disabled people and includes a number of Supported Employment Providers. There may be some useful resources for you to access so click on the link below for more information on what NZDSN can offer you.

A woman patting a mans back to show her support for him


Achieve advocates and lobbies for people with a range of impairments who are transitioning into or studying in post-secondary education or training. For example, at a university, polytechnic, private training establishment, wananga or college of education.  If you are thinking about life after high school and further study options, check out the achieve website and resources below.

A young child studying on a table

Work Ready Programme

This is the organizational strategy for Blind Low Vision NZ job seekers, which includes; networking, career development and support with defining pathways for study and beyond. It may also include enabling connections with external partners and providers to ensure the best employment outcome for the clients.

Employment Resources


Work Ready Professional Development Webinars

The Work Ready team have created a series of professional development webinars to support Blind Low Vision NZ clients with their employment journey.  You can access webinars audio recordings and additional resources by clicking the button below.

The Employment and Youth Pathways team is here to answer any questions. Feel free to reach out to us by emailing employmenttransition@blindlowvision.org.nz