Our Stories

Steve and guide dog Archie, a life-changing match

24 January 2024

Client Stories

Steve with his guide dog Archie beside him. They're outside at the park, facing the camera.

“Nothing compares to having a guide dog.”

Steve says being matched with a guide dog transformed his life. He can’t imagine life without a guide dog by his side, especially his new best mate, Archie. Thank you for making this possible!

Steve was just 16 when he was diagnosed with glaucoma. When his vision became worse about 15 years later, he started to take his condition seriously.

Steve was over the moon when matched with his first guide dog, Casper. Steve says each guide dog served a different purpose at each stage of his life – first Casper, then Hadley and now Archie.

Steve’s guide dogs, trained thanks to generous people like you, have given him freedom and incredible confidence. With a guide dog by his side, he has travelled to and from his place of work for many years, and also on planes.

“I don’t ever want to be without a guide dog, and I’m so grateful to have been matched not once but three times. Thank you so much to all donors.”


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